Why You Should Consider a Children’s Franchise

Why You Should Consider a Children’s Franchise

Most Parent’s want the best for their children and it naturally includes keeping them happy, fit, entertained, healthy and educated. If you are interested in the children’s services segment of the franchise industry, here are some reasons why it is...
Combining Your Passion With A Business

Combining Your Passion With A Business

Mark Twain is attributed as saying “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”, something that is completely true in today’s commercial climate. When we spend over 2,080 hours a year at our jobs, we’ve got to have some sort of passion for...
How Drama Can Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

How Drama Can Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

Public speaking is one of the most important skills to have at your disposal. Why? Because at some point in your life, you will be required to speak in public, whether it’s a business presentation, a monologue in a school play or a wedding speech. However, it’s not...
Spotlight on Drama Kids

Spotlight on Drama Kids

Exploring the Benefits for Children who attend Drama Kids! In a world filled with screens and virtual interactions, the art of drama holds a timeless appeal. From Shakespearean soliloquies to improvised sketches, drama offers a myriad of benefits for children beyond...
The Benefits of Drama.

The Benefits of Drama.

In an ever changing World as parents we wish the best for our children. Children are spending a large amount of their days on screen and this has been linked to many challenges such as poor sleep, low grades, the risk of obesity and much more.  There is also the...