Franchise with Drama Kids- The Benefits!
Buying a Drama Kids Children's franchise in Canada offers numerous advantages and benefits compared to starting a business from scratch. Franchise...
Drama can improve self-confidence in several ways!
Performance Experience: Participating in drama activities involves performing in front of others, whether it's in a play, improvisation exercise, or...
Why You Should Consider a Children’s Franchise
Most Parent's want the best for their children and it naturally includes keeping them happy, fit, entertained, healthy and educated. If you are...
Combining Your Passion With A Business
Mark Twain is attributed as saying “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”, something that is completely true in...
How Drama Can Improve Your Public Speaking Skills
Public speaking is one of the most important skills to have at your disposal. Why? Because at some point in your life, you will be required to speak...
Spotlight on Drama Kids
Exploring the Benefits for Children who attend Drama Kids! In a world filled with screens and virtual interactions, the art of drama holds a...
Six reasons you should invest in a franchise that believes in change
Embarking on the journey of franchise ownership is an exciting venture, one filled with promise, potential and the prospect of making a real...
The Benefits of Drama.
In an ever changing World as parents we wish the best for our children. Children are spending a large amount of their days on screen and this has...
Winners! Best Performing Arts Drama School Franchise 2023
In a dazzling display of talent, passion, and dedication, Drama Kids has emerged victorious as the Best Nationwide Performing Arts Drama School...
The Australian Financial Review | by Peter Stirling | Sep 29, 1989 When the regulations governing the children's classification in television...